From the Desk of Pastor Marsha, January 9, 2025

What’s Happening…1.9.2025

What do you do when someone you love passes away? Having had a few funerals in the last few months here at Zion, I thought this might be a good time to share with people what normally happens, mostly from the congregational side when someone passes. Of course, depending upon the situation and location of your loved one, you will need someone to take responsibility for the body. Most of us will use a funeral home here in town to assume that task and then work with you through the funeral process.

Following that, it is most helpful to let the Pastor know if she/he hasn’t already been a part of the individual’s health situation. They can answer many of your initial questions and set up a time to have a more in-depth conversation, usually after you have visited with the funeral home. If you are already thinking about dates for a funeral, memorial service or celebration of life service, they can check their personal and church calendar to see what works with your desired date.

Do know that we will ask ministries or other organizations to move their activity off that date, as we prioritize funerals pretty much above any other activity here at the church, except for a regular Sunday morning worship service. Once you have a set date, we will send an email to announce the service date, time, and other pertinent information to the entire congregation, to help quickly share that information with our congregational community. We like to include a photo if possible.

We also, will of course, put your loved one’s name and your family on our prayer list for the worship service and the weekly e-news. Here at Zion, we have a Funeral Hospitality Team, a group of people who take turns “leading” the team that serves if there is any sort of meal, luncheon or coffee. In this time and age, we usually encourage people to use a catering service, if possible, to provide the majority of the meal if that is what is desired. But they are willing and able to recruit and provide cookies for dessert or a snack. They always provide coffee, lemonade and water, along with real plates, cups and serving wear. They always provide setting up, serving and clean up for the event. They always will provide table clothes and centerpieces for the tables, unless the family would prefer to take care of that themselves.

Once you have contacted the pastor, she/he will send you a letter that explains these services and also asks the family a few questions. How many people are you expecting? , for example. Who is your caterer? Do they provide servers? What would you like to do with any leftover food? Etc. As things fall into place, we will let you know who the “leader” for your family’s funeral will be and give you their contact information so that you can talk to them directly to continue making the arrangements.

Now from the congregational side. If you have ever arranged a funeral, you are aware this is a very stressful and tender time in your life. Your congregation wants to do all it can to help make the process as smooth and comforting as possible. So, when you see that announcement that is coming up, we will also be encouraging people to volunteer to help with the work of the funeral Team.

I would also like to encourage you to think about, if you have the gift of organization or hospitality, to volunteer to be on the Funeral Hospitality Team. This spreads out the responsibility of this important and essential ministry of supporting our brothers and sisters in Christ at their most vulnerable times in their life. These volunteers already volunteer for a number of ministries in and outside the church. They, like many of you, enjoy traveling and are sometimes gone when a funeral occurs. The more volunteers we have, the easier it is for everyone who serves in this ministry to provide the best care possible. So, when it is time for your family to need this ministry, others will be there to care and serve you. 
                                                                          ~ Pastor Marsha


From the Desk of Pastor Marsha, January 16, 2025


From the Desk of Pastor Marsha, December 12, 2024